Selasa, 01 Desember 2009


1. Determine the coefficients of p in each of the following algebraic expression !

a. – 3 p2 + 8p

b. 4p2 – p

c. 2p2 – 5pq – 4p

d. p3 – 8p2 + p

2. Write the like terms in each of the following algebraic expressions !

a. 7x + 2y – 9x

b. 4a + 5ab – 7a2 – 16ab + 8a

c. 5p2 + 4p + 3 + 3p2 – 5p – 7

3. Work out each of the following multiplications of algebraic expressions !

a. 4 ´ 2 ´ a ´ b

b. -2 ´ (-3q) ´ (-4p)

c. 7kn ´ 2m2n ´ (-3 km)

4. Work out each of the following exponentiations of algebraic expressions !

a. (12k)2

b. (-ab)4

c. (4p2)3

d. (-5y2)3

e. (2p ´ 5q)4

f. (2p2 ´ pq)3

5. Work out each of the following divisions of algebraic expressions !

a. abc : ac

b. 12a2 : 6a

c. 6x8y5 : 3x2y3

d. 8x2y2z2 : 4x3y2z2

e. 27a6b5c4 : 3a2b3c : 9a3bc2

f. 48p5q8r6 : (-6p2q3r3) : 4pq2r2

6. Simplify !

a. 8a + 4a

b. 7a + 5b – 2a

c. 5x + 7y – 3x – 2y

d. 7x2 – 4x2 3y – 6y

7. Simplify !

a. 4(39 + 2) – 6p

b. 10p – (3 – 2p)

c. 5(x – 2y) – 3(2x – y)

d. -3(x – 4y) + 4(5x – 3y)

8. Find the sun of :

a. 6a + 7 and 2a – 4

b. –x2 + 5xy and 4x2 – 4xy

c. 5x – 2xy + 6y and -4 + 3xy – 5y

d. -2p3 + 3p2 – 4p and 2p3 – p2 + p

9. Subtract !

a. 2a – 5 from 8a + 4

b. -3a2 – 9a from a2 + 5a

c. 4x2 + 2x – 7 from x2 + 3x + 2

d. 5x2 – xy – 2y2 from 8x2 + 4xy + y2

10. Find the value of each of the following algebraic expressions if k = 4 !

a. 3k

b. -5k

c. 2k – 9

d. -3k2 + k

e. k3 + 2k2

f. 3k2 + 5k – 8

11. Find the value of each of the following algebraic expressions !

a. 2q + 7 if q = - 5

b. 2p + 3pq if p = 5 and q = -4

c. 2m2 – 3mn if m = -7 and n = 8

d. x3 – y2 if x = -4 and y = 9

12. If a = -3, b = 1 and c = -5, find value of each of the following algebraic expressions !

a. 2ab + 3bc – 4ac

b. (2ab – c2)2

c. ab2 – bc2 – ac2

d. 2a3 + 3b4 – 4c2

13. A motorcycle moved at a speed (v) of 60 km/hour for 1 hour and 45 minutes

a. Write a formula which expresses the relation between the distance (s) traveled and the time (t) taken and speed (v) !

b. Find the distance traveled by the motorcycle !

14. Find the LCM of each of the following pairs of algebraic expressions !

a. 6ab and 18a

b. 18a2b and 24abc

c. 10a2b3c and 15b2c2d

d. 10pqr, 15pqr2, and 20p2q2r2

e. 8pq2, 24qr2, and 12p3qr

f. 15p2q3r, 6q2rs, and 10pq2rs3

15. Find the GCD of each of the following pairs of algebraic expressions !

a. 9ab and 12 bc

b. 18a2bc and 12ab2

c. 16ab2c and 20b2c2d

d. 15pq2, 25qr3, and 70pqr

e. 18p2qr2, 27p3q2r, and 45pqr3

f. 24p2q2r, 32pq2s, and 72q3r2s3

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